sobota, 19 września 2020

Goats of Etna volcano, 07.09.2020



The animals live in small herds on the slopes of Etna volcano.  They can be used even to predict eruptions of Sicilian volcano! More in this article:

piątek, 18 września 2020

Serracozzo Trail from Rifugio Citelli, Etna volcano, 07.09.2020




Lower slopes and trails of Etna volcano offer plenty of lovely vegetation including many species and sub-species of plants. Among them the saponaia flowers (Saponaria sicula), Sicilian astragalus (Astracantha sicula),  tansy (Tanacetum siculum), cerastium (Cerastium tomentosum), senecio (Senecio squalidus), camomile of Etna (Anthemis aetnensis), Etna rennet (Galium aetnicum), romice (Rumex scutatus) and some moss and lichen.

czwartek, 17 września 2020

First photos of Etna volcano, 07.09.2020


The travelling during Covid19 (coronavirus Sars-Cov-2) is quite risky and unpredictable, but still worth even self-imposed quarantine after coming back. So on 6th September of 2020 three people (me and two of my friends) travelled by plane from Katowice to Catania. We wanted to explore north side of Etna volcano including central craters. Here are the first pictures of Etna volcano and its lava flows taken near Rifugio Citelli on 07.09.2020.